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With the popularity and development of the Internet, selling and buying things on the Internet has become more and more daily. For the consideration of campus development, a variety of second-hand websites have been realized in many campuses, which improves the utilization efficiency of campus resources. However, the human and financial resources required to build most websites are generally high, and the deployment of high-energy hardware is also a barrier, which makes most medium and second-hand websites not formed, and the later maintenance cost of the platform has also brought down many users. How to solve this problem? We need to find a better technology and method to reduce the response time of the website, improve the high concurrency performance of the system, improve the user experience, reduce the hardware demand, and be able to deploy with cheaper hardware, so as to reduce the cost of website construction. The development project of this campus second-hand trading website adopts PHP technology + MySQL database to explain the various needs analysis instructions of the topic, then discusses the overall design and detailed design of the website, and gives the construction method of the overall structure of the website. So as to meet the needs of most medium and second-hand websites.

Keywords: PHP technology; MYSQL; Campus second-hand trading website

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