智慧团建官网注册入口_跨境电商网站建设开发_天津13个区最新消息_青岛网站排名分析 I look for headers such as Proxy-Connection, X-Forwarded-For, and Via or a status containing “HTTP/1.0” in the HTML document response. If any of these are present, you’re probably going through a proxy that may prevent flushing from working.

check list
• Is output buffering on? If so, you have to use the ob_ functions.
• Do you see the Transfer-Encoding: chunked response header? Chunked encoding is typically required for flushing to work.
• Is the response gzipped? If so, and you’re running a version of Apache earlier than 2.2.8, you have to add padding to your page.
• Are you behind a proxy or using antivirus software? These might buffer the chunks before sending them through to the browser.
• Are any of the resources referenced in the flushed chunk being blocked because they’re fetched from the same domain as the HTML document?
• Are you testing only in Safari or Chrome? The flushed HTML must be more than 2 KB to see the benefits in these browsers.





3.2 通过拆分来节省下载量 成品网站w灬源码16设计公司名字大全20000个建行网站怎么打不开现在还有新型冠状病毒吗网站seo价格北京 网站开发初中没毕业如何提升学历顶尖设计公司工程建设板块地方门户网站推广石家庄网站建设方案书蔬菜出口贸易代理商网站导航是什么今年新冠疫情最新消息怎么制作网页飘窗托管代运营公司物业管理系统数据库网站建设重点物流公司注册哪个软件买东西便宜又是正品个人网站设计与实践论文唐山网站制作价格职业网络培训平台产品宣传低价建站平台动画设计师证书香港最新的时事新闻企业网站托管优化安卓开发者lkk洛可可设计公司h5浏览器网页


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