阳江市江城区疫情最新消息_全国疫情风险等级地区名单_廊坊视频剪辑培训机构_山东疫情区域分布 自从计算机发展开始,计算机相关技术的发展速度越来越快,在信息化高速发展的今天,计算机应用技术似乎已经应用到了各个领域。在校园二手交易方面,之前的交易方式都是到二手市场就行处理,浪费掉了很多资源,比如所大四毕业以后一些对自己来说不需要的二手自行车或者电子产品,大家很多时候都把他当做了废品进行处理,或者要搬运到二手市场进行买卖,用户的体验度就会急剧下降,很多校园也开始开发校园二手信息网站,这样的系统给用户带来了新的体验,尤其是在时间和空间上,让使用者不管身在何处,只要连上网就能够进行交易。此校园二手信息网站的开发项目以PHP技术进行开发,使用MySQL数据库,对本校园二手信息网站的各个功能以及用户的需求做出了解释,然后根据用户二手买卖的需求,再介绍了系统的总体设计以及其详细设计,给用户提供了校园二手信息网站的总体结构的搭建方法。从而满足用户自主交易的需求。



Since the beginning of computer development, computer-related technologies have developed faster and faster. Today, with the rapid development of information technology, computer application technology seems to have been applied to various fields. In terms of second-hand transactions on campus, the previous transaction method was to deal with the second-hand market, which wastes a lot of resources. For example, after graduating from the college, some second-hand bicycles or electronic products that are not needed for them are often used by everyone. When the waste products are disposed of or transported to the second-hand market for trading, the user's experience will drop sharply. Many campuses have also begun to develop campus second-hand information websites. Such a system brings new experiences to users, especially in time In terms of space and space, users can conduct transactions no matter where they are, as long as they are connected to the Internet. The development project of this campus second-hand information website is developed with PHP technology and uses MySQL database to explain the functions of the campus second-hand information website and the needs of users, and then introduce the overall design of the system according to the needs of users for second-hand buying and selling. As well as its detailed design, it provides users with the construction method of the overall structure of the campus second-hand information website. So as to meet the needs of users' autonomous transactions.

Keywords: PHP technology; MYSQL; campus second-hand information website






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