建立平台让人才_金山屯便民黄页_制作电子商务平台_电商网站特点 The recruitment website based on SSM is a new system using computer
technology and network design, which can effectively combine the
recruitment information with the network, and provide work help and
management needs for users. This system uses MySQL database to store
data, has stronger compatibility, and can span a variety of platforms.
The framework is SSM. The main design content includes user information,
recruitment information, enterprise information, recruitment
information, resume information, etc. In order to give users more
reminders, the system adds the function of welcome and time.
Administrators can update all kinds of data information in the system,
users can query the corresponding information, enterprises can publish
recruitment information and management resume, invitation information,
etc. This system is the inevitable product of the development of
information society, can provide users with more efficient management
and assistance, but also can change the situation of talent recruitment,
improve efficiency.









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