
摘  要

在数字化时代背景下,为满足消费者对生鲜商品即时购买的需求,本项目开发了一款集成多功能的生鲜购物网站。该网站后端采用SSM(Spring + SpringMVC + MyBatis)框架,前端采用VUE.js框架,数据库选择MySQL,实现了高效稳定的数据处理与用户友好的交互界面。网站主要功能涵盖个人中心、商品浏览、系统公告、在线客服、购物车管理、商品购买与订单管理等,旨在提供一站式的生鲜购物解决方案。




In the context of the digital era, in order to meet the demand of consumers for instant purchase of fresh products, this project has developed an integrated multifunctional fresh food shopping website. The website adopts the SSM (Spring+SpringMVC+MyBatis) framework for the backend, the VUE.js framework for the frontend, and MySQL for the database, achieving efficient and stable data processing and user-friendly interaction interface. The main functions of the website include personal center, product browsing, system announcements, online customer service, shopping cart management, product purchase and order management, etc., aiming to provide a one-stop fresh food shopping solution.

Through the personal center, users can manage their personal information and settings; The product browsing function displays various fresh products and supports search and filtering; System announcements allow users to stay up-to-date with the latest updates on the platform; Online customer service to answer shopping questions and improve service quality; The shopping cart management and product purchase function optimize the user's shopping process and simplify the operation steps; Order management allows users to easily track and manage purchased goods. The modular development and front-end and back-end separation design of the entire project not only improve development efficiency, but also facilitate later maintenance and upgrading, fully meeting the needs of modern consumers for fresh e-commerce platforms.

Keywords: Fresh products ; SSM ; MySQL


目     录

摘  要


引   言

1 绪论

1.1 背景及意义

1.2 研究现状

1.3 论文组织结构

2 关键技术介绍

2.1 SSM框架

2.2 IDEA简介

2.3 Java简介

2.4 Vue框架

2.5 MySQL数据库

2.6 本章小结

3 系统需求分析

3.1 系统可行性分析

3.2 功能需求分析

3.3 非功能需求分析

3.4 本章小结

4 系统设计

4.1 系统总体设计

4.2 系统详细设计

4.2.1 业务流程设计

4.2.2 注册流程设计

4.2.3 生鲜商品加购设计

4.2.4 生鲜商品管理设计

4.3 数据库设计

4.3.1 概念性数据模型

4.3.2 数据库的物理设计

4.4 本章小结

5 系统实现及系统测试

5.1 登录

5.2 管理员功能实现

5.2.1 用户管理

5.2.2 商品分类管理

5.2.3 生鲜商品管理

5.2.4 订单管理

5.3 用户功能实现

5.2.5 生鲜商品信息展示

5.2.6 生鲜商品信息详细信息

5.2.7 用户下单

5.4 系统测试

5.4.1 软件测试的定义

5.4.2 系统测试方法

5.4.3 测试用例

5.5 本章小结

6 结论


致  谢






                                Amazon的Dynamo Key-Value存储架构图


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