
news/发布时间2024/5/16 9:14:56

‘%H’: commit hash

‘%h’: abbreviated commit hash

‘%T’: tree hash

‘%t’: abbreviated tree hash

‘%P’: parent hashes

‘%p’: abbreviated parent hashes

‘%an’: author name

‘%aN’: author name (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1])

‘%ae’: author email

‘%aE’: author email (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1])

‘%ad’: author date (format respects --date= option)

‘%aD’: author date, RFC2822 style

‘%ar’: author date, relative

‘%at’: author date, UNIX timestamp

‘%ai’: author date, ISO 8601-like format

‘%aI’: author date, strict ISO 8601 format

‘%cn’: committer name

‘%cN’: committer name (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1])

‘%ce’: committer email

‘%cE’: committer email (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1])

‘%cd’: committer date (format respects --date= option)

‘%cD’: committer date, RFC2822 style

‘%cr’: committer date, relative

‘%ct’: committer date, UNIX timestamp

‘%ci’: committer date, ISO 8601-like format

‘%cI’: committer date, strict ISO 8601 format

‘%d’: ref names, like the --decorate option of git-log[1]

‘%D’: ref names without the " (", “)” wrapping.

‘%S’: ref name given on the command line by which the commit was reached (like git log --source), only works with git log

‘%e’: encoding

‘%s’: subject

‘%f’: sanitized subject line, suitable for a filename

‘%b’: body

‘%B’: raw body (unwrapped subject and body)

‘%N’: commit notes

‘%GG’: raw verification message from GPG for a signed commit

‘%G?’: show “G” for a good (valid) signature, “B” for a bad signature, “U” for a good signature with unknown validity, “X” for a good signature that has expired, “Y” for a good signature made by an expired key, “R” for a good signature made by a revoked key, “E” if the signature cannot be checked (e.g. missing key) and “N” for no signature

‘%GS’: show the name of the signer for a signed commit

‘%GK’: show the key used to sign a signed commit

‘%GF’: show the fingerprint of the key used to sign a signed commit

‘%GP’: show the fingerprint of the primary key whose subkey was used to sign a signed commit

‘%gD’: reflog selector, e.g., refs/stash@{1} or refs/stash@{2 minutes ago}; the format follows the rules described for the -g option. The portion before the @ is the refname as given on the command line (so git log -g refs/heads/master would yield refs/heads/master@{0}).

‘%gd’: shortened reflog selector; same as %gD, but the refname portion is shortened for human readability (so refs/heads/master becomes just master).

‘%gn’: reflog identity name

‘%gN’: reflog identity name (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1])

‘%ge’: reflog identity email

‘%gE’: reflog identity email (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1])

‘%gs’: reflog subject

‘%Cred’: switch color to red

‘%Cgreen’: switch color to green

‘%Cblue’: switch color to blue

‘%Creset’: reset color

‘%C(…​)’: color specification, as described under Values in the “CONFIGURATION FILE” section of git-config[1]. By default, colors are shown only when enabled for log output (by color.diff, color.ui, or --color, and respecting the auto settings of the former if we are going to a terminal). %C(auto,…​) is accepted as a historical synonym for the default (e.g.,%C(auto,red)). Specifying %C(always,…​) will show the colors even when color is not otherwise enabled (though consider just using --color=always to enable color for the whole output, including this format and anything else git might color). auto alone (i.e. %C(auto)) will turn on auto coloring on the next placeholders until the color is switched again.

‘%m’: left () or boundary (-) mark

‘%n’: newline

‘%%’: a raw ‘%’

‘%x00’: print a byte from a hex code

‘%w([[,[,]]])’: switch line wrapping, like the -w option of git-shortlog[1].

‘%[,trunc|ltrunc|mtrunc])’: make the next placeholder take at least N columns, padding spaces on the right if necessary. Optionally truncate at the beginning (ltrunc), the middle (mtrunc) or the end (trunc) if the output is longer than N columns. Note that truncating only works correctly with N >= 2.

‘%)’: make the next placeholder take at least until Nth columns, padding spaces on the right if necessary

‘%>()’, ‘%>|()’: similar to ‘%)’, ‘%)’ respectively, but padding spaces on the left

‘%>>()’, ‘%>>|()’: similar to ‘%>()’, ‘%>|()’ respectively, except that if the next placeholder takes more spaces than given and there are spaces on its left, use those spaces

‘%>)’, ‘%>)’: similar to ‘%)’, ‘%)’ respectively, but padding both sides (i.e. the text is centered)

%(trailers[:options]): display the trailers of the body as interpreted by git-interpret-trailers[1]. The trailers string may be followed by a colon and zero or more comma-separated options. If the only option is given, omit non-trailer lines from the trailer block. If the unfold option is given, behave as if interpret-trailer’s --unfold option was given. E.g., %(trailers:only,unfold) to do both.




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